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Ron & Laurie Bates
Ron & Laurie Bates
Ron & Laurie Bates

Bates Quarter and Paint Horses

Ron and LaurieBates Quarter and Paint Horses is a small equine operation conveniently located in Central Iowa, a few short miles off of U.S. Highway 20. Focusing on breeding good minded talented all around horses, the center of our operation is our American Paint Horse Stallion, Rocki The Sequel. Rocki has been the highlight of our life for over 16 years now. Rocki’s accomplishments within the show ring thrilled us as we pursued our dream of earning his Superior in Western Pleasure, followed by his APHA Open Championship Title, and then at that unforgettable weekend show, completing his APHA Open Versitility Championship and being named Iowa’s Super Horse. Though now retired from the show ring and roping arena, Rocki still insists on stealing the show with his cut up antics to capture the attention of farm visitors. Today the pleasure of owning such an individual is fulfilled within the show ring and on the trails as we enjoy our Rocki foals, and most importantly, hearing the many compliments from the satisfied owners of Rocki foals.

Our recent exciting news is that Rocki The Sequel is now officially registered with the American Quarter Horse Association also. Choose to breed to Rocki, and you have the opportunity to have a triple registered foal of remarkable disposition and talent.

Our dream would be complete if life allowed us to spend 24/7 with our horses, but in reality, Ron holds a territory sales position and Laurie is an insurance agent. Nights, weekends, and vacations center around our horses, horse activities, and our “horsey” friends. Our business is built on hardwork, dedication, and honesty.

We must not forget another very important segment of our farm life. We love our dogs. As active breeders of Standard and Mini Australian Shepherds for over 15 years, we proudly boast “there is NO other breed of dog than an Aussie. Woops—least I forget—there is another dog, but she doesn’t know she’s a dog. She’s convinced she’s a princess---just ask her. Fergie our 4 lb Yorkie house queen, plays her part real well, complete with the ribbons, bows, and rhinestones.

Bates Ranch
Aerial View of our Farm



Rocki The Sequel


Rocki is now a registered Quarter Horse!

Our Paint Stallion is contributing to our cause in the horse industry. Fulfilling our life long dream, Rocki has earned an APHA Open Championship, APHA Open Superior Western Pleasure, and APHA Open Versatility Award. Rocki was also honored to win the IPHC Super Horse Award in 1998.

Although Rocki now spends the majority of his time standing stud at our farm, Rocki occasionally returns to the roping pen for some good times or to help guide a young roper. Now it is our pleasure to see Rocki's foals following in their father's footsteps.


Australian Shepherd Dogs
Along with the horses, we enjoy our Australian Shepherd dogs. Also, athletes, these dogs are our best friends and nonstop working companions. Our pups are being used for companions, livestock, obedience, and agility trials. We raise several litters a year and have two males available for stud service.

Miniature Australian Shepherd Pups!
Yes, we now offer miniature australian shepherd pups for sale. The miniature australian shepherd has the same breed characteristics as the regular breed. Full grown the miniature dogs grow to 10-15 pounds. We have pups for sale at various times of the year. Call us for availability. 515-290-6085.





Visit us at the farm too! And, when you stop by the farm, don't forget to say "Hi" to the real head of the household, Fergie, the mighty 4# Yorkie!



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